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Sky Creek Dharma Center is operated entirely by donations and volunteer efforts. Your donations contribute to the sustainability of the Center to offer space for meditation, visiting teachers and special community events.

If you have online checking “Bill Pay” functionality, you can set-up one-time or monthly donations to “Sky Creek Dharma Center, 120 Three Oaks Ct. Chico, CA 95973” and this will help us avoid processing surcharges. 

Among Buddhist practitioners, generosity is often referred to as “dana,” which is the word for “generosity arising effortlessly from deep gratitude” in Pali, the language of the Buddha.

Dana is the first of the perfections necessary for awakening in both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism. By putting food into a monk’s begging bowl each morning, Southeast Asians learn to practice dana before learning meditation.  Dana is a joyful way of being, and includes a variety of practices from sharing a smile to full-time service, and includes spiritual practice and gifts of money, time, energy, goods, and supplies.

The teachings of the Buddha are considered priceless and are offered freely, so monks, lay teachers, and Buddhist centers are supported by the generosity practice of those who receive these teachings.

To make regular recurring contributions to Sky Creek Dharma Center, use Square or Paypal donation links above and select “Monthly”.