The center is located at:
120 Three Oaks Court, Chico California.
- Q: How Can I Participate in Meditation Groups?
- A: Our sitting groups are open to all. No sign-up, registration, or membership is required. Just show up at the time shown on the Meditation Schedule. Feel free to contact the particular group you are attending prior to coming if you have any questions.
- Q: Are there meditation classes at Sky Creek Dharma Center?
- A: Starting September 2024, Marianne Pilgrim, a meditation teacher trained in the MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) tradition will be teaching a FREE beginners mindfulness meditation course on the fourth Saturday of every month from 9:30AM to 11:30AM. This is a great entry to familiarize yourself with our center.
- Q: Can beginners attend other groups at the Center?
- A: Newcomers are always welcome to any of the groups. Ask for an orientation; someone will be happy to help you. If you would like individual meditation instructions please email the group leaders listed on the group pages. There is no cost, but donations to help support the center are welcome.
- Q: Can I visit the Center to look around? Will someone be there?
- A: We now have multiple events on Saturday Morning events that are newbie friendly (please confirm on our calendar), include the beginning meditation workshop and the 9:30-10AM starting period for Spirit Quest (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month). You can visit and tour our facilities, including the meditation hall, spacious backyard, our expansive entry room with kitchen, seating and extensive reading/lending library. We will be available to discuss meditation, Buddhism, and how we can serve your interests and needs. Other than these events and our regular evening and Sunday morning sitting groups, the center is typically closed.
- Q: Do I need to be a Buddhist to attend?
- A: No, anyone interested in mediation practice is welcome to join our sitting groups. Current group participants lie on a spectrum in terms of whether they consider themselves “Buddhists”, spiritual seekers, or see mindfulness meditation as a secular practice that improves their mental health. We welcome all.
- Q: Do I need to sit on the floor?
- A: No, many people sit in chairs during our meditation sittings and discussions; many chairs are available.
- Q: What does it cost to participate in events at Sky Creek Dharma Center?
- A: All events run by the center are donation-based, unless otherwise noted. We rely on our regular members to donate to support the center. Group leaders may remind the group of opportunity to donate at the end of the meeting. Donations are encouraged and help keep the Center open, which is currently struggling to pay maintenance costs on the building. Donation can be made in person using cash, or online (using Venmo, Square or PayPal). We encourage–but do not require–people who attend on a regular basis to set up recurring monthly donations to help support the center through Square or PayPal. Events such as workshops or retreats may require a fee. We occasionally host special events, including meditation events, that are organized and run by outside (possibly for-profit) organizations. If this is the case the fee will be indicated in the event description.
- Q: Can I use the Center for my event?
- A: We hope that you will consider using Sky Creek Dharma Center for your group meeting, wedding, retreat, or other event. Please read the use guidelines. Call or email to discuss arrangements and fees.
- Q: What is the difference between the various types of meditation, such as Zen and Vipassana?
- A: All Buddhist practices share a common core of principles and techniques. There are sometimes differences in which aspects are emphasized. You encouraged to investigate this question on your own by attending meditation meetings with groups of each tradition. You can speak with a volunteer at the Saturday Open House to discuss the different groups and their traditions (see Calendar for dates). When you find a practice that is the best fit for your needs you are encouraged to make a commitment to that practice. Ultimately all roads lead to the same destination. To learn more about our meditation groups, click here or see the list under the “Meditation Groups” tab on this website.
- Q: Where can I learn more about Buddhism?
- A: Come to sittings and events at Sky Creek Dharma Center; many groups read books, listen to dharma talks, and have discussions as part of their normal weekly meetings. We also have an excellent library with books that can be checked-out and many knowledgeable members.
- Q: Is Spiritual Counseling Available at the Center?
- A: We do not have ordained monks and nuns at our center, although the Wednesday night Serene Reflection Zen group is actively affiliated with the Shasta Abbey monastery, and they do occasionally sponsor monk or nun visits to the center. Group leaders may agree to meet with you occasionally if you ask them. Regular weekly practitioners will find opportunities to arrange for such a meeting if they desire.