Use Guidelines

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The purpose of Sky Creek Dharma Center is to foster spiritual and soul development through meditation, conversation, the arts, gardening, etc. We are best suited as a site for your event if it lies somewhere in this constellation. If you have questions, please contact us at or by calling Chris Gaffney at 530-588-4941.


  • Refrain from the use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs while using Sky Creek.
  • Have someone arrive early! Each group that uses the Center has different needs. To ensure that everything is as you wish it to be for your event, an early arrival by one or two folks is prudent.
  • Restore all use areas to the configuration and condition in which you found them. (For daylong or multiple day events, it’s good to identify set-up and cleanup volunteers in advance.)
  • Unplug any electrical appliances used, clean and put away dishes.
  • Turn off heat or air conditioning.
  • Lock all doors.


  • Please leave the kitchen as you found it – or in improved condition!
  • The refrigerator is available for your use. Remember to remove any items after your event.
  • Help yourself to the teas and condiments you will find on hand, as well as the disposable paper products. Please consider placing a contribution for supplies in our Kitchen Dana bowl.
  • Do not cook any meat at the center. Participants are welcome to bring any previously prepared food of their choice.


Sky Creek is large enough that more than one group can simultaneously meet at the Center. It is your responsibility to check our calendar to see if another group is meeting when your event is scheduled. While groups can meet on opposite ends of the Center to help insure quiet, it is also necessary for all groups to maintain a quiet presence, so that all the folks using the Center may fully benefit from the silence.